Helping families organize and track, one user at a time
Founding a start-up is an intense roller coaster ride. Running a start-up along with your regular life is that intense roller coaster ride on steroids. So what drives people to take on something like this? It's the passion you have for making your ideas work ... and the satisfaction when a user or a customer writes these words to you: We are so excited to use Karmic in our family. We have used many different apps to try to organize our family life. We use this app as a productivity, habit tracking, to-do app. We are a family of 5, with three children 4 and under. My husband works full time and I am a stay at home mom, together we also run a business from home. So to say that we have many plates we are trying to keep spinning is an understatement.In our family we have budgeted a certain amount into our monthly budget that we give ourselves for an allowance. Any personal purchases we make come out of…